Claire's birthday came and went back in July . I did warn her that my light bulb moment had come a bit late (after her birthday) and that it would take a little while to sort out. She had seen O's 'all boy' quilt and Martha's play mat and liked them both. So why it took my brain so long to put one and two together I don't know! Eventually realising she'd love something that combined Cath Kidston fabrics with a cottagey feel I started looking for the right things. So I had to confess it might be a while before she got her birthday present. It was such fun looking for fabrics, putting it all together and thinking of steering away from 'just' squares and coming up with something I hadn't tried before. I love some of the designs on this blog and often have a little admiring look around. One day I want to be able to make such gorgeous designs! Anyway, there's absolutely nothing wrong with squares, but I fancied ...
Just a quick update from my mobile phone. We lost the internet in our house on Thursday... It is so strange without it, you really don't realise how much you rely on it until it stops working. I've wanted to look up a recipe, order left handed toddler scissors, check prices for a new internet connection (ha). Thank god for my smart phone keeping the internet addiction sweet with a little drip feed! The good news is that the internet has moved out together with my lovely husband. Well, he's kind of moved out :). He has moved his work from our garage into his own office. Things are still a bit up in the air, but what a milestone! Once everything is out I get to reorganise the garage - yay. For the last three years there hasn't been a welly boot, gardening glove or outdoor toy in it. *rubbing hands* I can't wait !! One other change is that I now get to walk home from work. 2 miles, or just over 3 km. No big deal right. Shame that ha...
Lingering Winter, we've all had enough of you. You have overstayed your welcome, you have been an unwelcome guest for a while. You are not taking the hints or even pretending to be going. You like it here and are oblivious of the growing annoyance your hosts are feeling. Your skies still grey, the wind still whirling over the hills and through the streets, chilling every bone it meets and the world around us still colourless and quiet. You like your stone-cold days and wintery ways. With your freezing temperatures you are keeping Spring paralysed and the world around us strangely transparent. I have almost forgotten what the sun feels like, don't let it be too much longer ~ please. I'll be wear this scarf for Easter, all it needs is a border and the ends sewing in.
Wauw, hij is mooi en gezond!