Circular needles & hats

It's not all quilting and sewing in this house.  I've been distracted by some knitting lately.  Before the holiday season I found out about circular needles, kind of by accident really.  I'd shunned away from them before as they just seemed so... complicated.  Circular needles look like they have a magical, mysterious power,... only to be enjoyed and tamed by advanced knitters. I felt the same about using more than two needles at a time.

Well, I'm a total convert! I officially love circular needles.  Please try them if you have been thinking about circular!  I can tell you now that circular needles are not just for advanced knitters, they might even be easier than a normal pair of needles.  I also discovered their true superior power.  How I didn't know about this little secret I don't know, but I'm going to share it in case you don't know about this either.  The true advantage of circular needles is that if you knit only knit-stitch, then you are rewarded with purl-stitch effect! I mean: w.o.w :), especially since purl-stitch and I aren't friends.

I first knitted a little 'test' hat, it turned out fine and wearable.  I used up a leftover bit of variegated wool and the boy loves it.

I enjoyed it so much I immediately started a new circular needle project.  I've always wanted to knit in two colours and adore those Nordic borders of snowflakes and reindeer.  I found myself knitting with both hands - a colour in each hand. At first my brain was like 'what?', but once you relax into it, it flows quite well.

This second little hat is finished now too.  Again, made with left over bits of wool.  My lucky boy has two new hats to choose from now :).  If you fancy it you can find the pattern I followed here on Ravelry.  I wonder what the circulars will knit next!


  1. I've been going through a knitting stage lately too. I think something about the short, chilly winter days just demands knitting and tea.

    These hats are just fantastic! I looooooooove my circular knitting needles. I agree that they are actually easier; I hate seaming, and they eliminate so much of that. I have yet to try any two color patterns as complicated as the fair isle hat you made, but I think I might have to. Your photos are SO inspiring.

    1. You are so right! The no need for joining seams is the icing on the cake! Have a go at the fair isle, it's very doable. The snowflake was my first every go. I'd love to make a pair of fingerless gloves/hand warmers next.

  2. wat een prachtig patroon...heel mooi! de naam van het haaksteekje waar je op mn blog naara vroeg is de star stitch, tutorial kun je op youtube vinden als je zoekt op star stitch. Ik houd wel van dat steekje ;-)




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