Nearly there: Block three

I've started on my third block and wow there are lots of pieces in this!  I've pinned it all together so you can see what it looks like so far and to stop me sewing the wrong squares together :).  The cutting out took quite long compared with the Churn Dash (block 2), but it's totally worth it for the 3D effect!

This one is called 'Card Trick'.  I'm reusing my orange batik and love the contrast with the (new, oops) blue batik.  The background fabric picks up the orange and blue.  I'm a sucker for trying to pick out and repeat colours, it just feels more 'whole' that way to me.

And... I'm so proud, I remembered to be a bit more careful with the patterned fabric.  Fingers crossed there shouldn't be any issues with the pattern this time as the background pieces don't 'touch' each other.

So guess what I'm busy doing this weekend? Finishing my homework ten, twenty minutes at a time!  If you haven't done any quilting before then I'd recommend having a go!  I'm a beginner and am in love!  


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