Round and round to make a square!

A few weeks ago I popped in to the lovely haberdashery where I take my sewing classes (off and on - and soon on again, more about that later!).  A happy place where I get to chat and mostly drink cups of tea.  Walking through the aisles bursting with crafting treasures my eyes were drawn to the most vibrant, multicoloured wool - pink, blue, purple, green...  Resistance melted away fast...

I'd been thinking about learning how to crochet granny squares and had seen a pattern in Mollie Makes (Feb'13 edition) using this kind of wool (thought the picture in the magazine showed pastel colours).  I made a quick estimation and worked out I'd need quite a few skeins - maybe 10-15?  I had no idea really.

Then, luckily for me - saving me an embarrassing moment / dented bank account - I enquired about the price of one of these gorgeous, sweets-coloured, woolly gems.  £3.5 per skein.  Ouch.  Right now there's no way I can justify spending £30/50 on wool.  I bought one, to see how many squares can be made out of just one.  I've crocheted six so far and hopefully have enough for a seventh.  So my adapted plan: the blanket will be a scarf instead.  And that's ok, because what I really wanted was have a go at and learn how to make a granny square.

Now, I'm going to state the obvious - but I feel amazing thing: you can make a square by crocheting round and round, starting from a circle... I mean that is blowing my mind right now.  And I know if you follow a pattern for something that looks square in the picture you'll end up with a square, extra stitches and such.  But still... just amazing no?!  Maybe it's just me :).  Needless to say I'm very happy with my new skill.  So here they are, my first ever granny squares, yey!   You'll see the finished scarf once I've had the time to get some more wool!


  1. Leuke kleuren! Ik kan nog steeds niet breien of haken. Nu de winter bijna voorbij is dacht ik er niet meer aan te beginnen, maar ik zie ook graag van die gebreide katoentjes... wie weet toch eens een poging wagen!

    1. Ik zou zeggen doen Nelle! Ik zou zo graag kunnen breien, met kleurtjes en figuurtjes...... Mijn sjarpke is ook een beetje laat in het seizoen, maar swat!! :)

  2. How pretty! I love the warm colors--just the thing to brighten a grey, wintery day.


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